Center-ECD-30, Boundary Road, GRA


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This is SCOPiT

SCOPiT Dev, an acronym for school of computer programming and Information technology development is an initiative of DPG-SOFT SOLUTIONS LTD in partnership with Center-ECD to raise yearly, 1000 tech professionals who are able to solve real time societal problems and deploy business solutions using technology. With bespoke learning technology to support both physical and virtual training sessions, SCOPiT focuses on practical oriented teaching where by every participants of every cohort have hands on practical experience in their respective fields of software development.

With her visionary SCOPiT Institute of Reverse Engineering, SCOPiT Targets to be Nigeria's first institute for reverse engineering. We hope to produce practical industrialists from this program and drive Nigeria's first industrial revolution

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Courses Offered

Programs & Courses built for you

Web Development

Our full stack Web development classes are poised to transforming novies into tech stars in a short while

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Cross Platform Mobile Development

Learn mobile application development frameworks that work for all mobile platforms

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UI/UX Design

Learn how to deliver bespoke user experiences and App Interfaces

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Data Analytics

Data drives the innovations of today. Our data analytics program equips you with incredible skill for data manipulation, and insight.

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Database Administration

Looking to build complex systems that run big corporations? Get in class with ScopiT. MAke your dream a reality

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Embeded Systems Programming & Reverse Engineering

Would you love to be part of Africa's industrial revolution? Lets build the future from the present. Our Embeded programing courses include hands-on practical experiences in building industrial machines by modeling and reverse engineering

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